Basic Science Review
In 2025, FoMD will undertake a review of basic science structure and focus to ensure future success of research and education.
Working Group
The review will be led by a working group chaired by Dr. Tom Stelfox, deputy dean. The group will guide internal and external consultations and provide ongoing updates about their findings throughout the year. Using the data gathered, they will bring forward a final summary report and recommendations to the dean by fall 2025.
The process will be transparent and foster engagement from individuals across the Faculty, as well as other relevant stakeholders. All FoMD faculty, students and staff are encouraged to participate and engage with upcoming town hall meetings, presentations, surveys and focus groups about this initiative. In February 2025 we will host a town hall and a questionnaire will be sent to all faculty and staff. However, if you have questions before these events please contact Dr. Tom Stelfox ( and cc Debbie Doudiet (
The working group will use a consensus decision-making approach, and shall function in accordance with the Terms of Reference.
View the working group members
The working group will meet on the following dates:
Jan. 31
Feb. 7, Feb. 14, Feb. 21
Mar. 7, Mar. 14, Mar. 21
Apr. 4, Apr. 11, Apr. 25
May 9, May 23
June 6, June 13