Awards For Faculty Excellence Adjudication Committee
Committee Membership
Chair (voting)
- Vice-Provost (Learning Initiatives)
Members (voting)
- Member appointed by the Vice-Provost (Indigenous Programming and Research)
- Member appointed by the Vice-Provost (Equity, Diversity and Inclusion)
- Dean, Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research or delegate
- An executive member of the Students' Union or delegate (one year appointment and may be appointed for a second year)
- An executive member of the Graduate Students' Association or delegate (one year appointment and may be appointed for a second year)
- Executive Director, Centre for Teaching and Learning or delegate
- Dean or representative from each College
- Dean or representative from one of the stand-alone faculties
- A member of the GFC Committee on the Learning Environment appointed by the Chair
- A member of the University Teaching Awards Committee appointed by the Chair
- Two (2) Academic Staff members selected at large by GFC
Resource Members (non-voting)
- Portfolio Initiatives Coordinator, Office of the Provost
- Executive Assistant, Office of the Provost
Many considerations guided the development of this adjudication committtee, including a range of expertise that will enhance the Committee's ability to execute this process using an equity lens.