Awards for Teaching Excellence

The University of Alberta is committed to inclusive recognition, celebration and learning from all teaching practices and pedagogies. Teaching recognition is based on the Framework for Effective Teaching outlined in the Teaching, Learning and Evaluation Policy and is grounded in the University of Alberta's principles and values, as defined in the Institutional Strategic Plans including: 

Inclusive recognition of teaching celebrates and showcases intellectually rewarding educational environments that benefit all members of the University community and are achieved through diverse instructional activities. For example, teaching that takes place in and beyond traditional classroom, studio, laboratory and clinical environments; teaching may also include supervision, mentoring, emotional work, community engagement, Indigenous ways of Knowing, Being and Doing, experiential and work-integrated learning, and leadership. 

The University is committed to the recognition of teaching through a lens that acknowledges all members of the institution including equity-denied groups.

The University of Alberta is committed to the identification and celebration of creativity and innovation in all stages of knowledge creation and dissemination in an inclusive manner that provides pathways for the recognition of faculty, students, staff, University partners, individuals and communities.

The University of Alberta recognizes that awards can replicate existing social inequities. Therefore, the processes application and adjudication for the Awards for Teaching Excellence are designed to celebrate and recognize the significant diversities of the University of Alberta communities.

The University of Alberta acknowledges that language is ever-evolving and that listing categories of self-identification does not constitute commitment in and of itself. Recognition of teaching by members of the following equity-denied groups is central to this policy, including but not limited to: Indigenous peoples, Black people, and people of colour and non-white people, disabled people and people with disabilities, 2SLGBTQIA+ people, gender diverse people, women, and all those who may contribute to the further diversification of ideas and the University.

 Recognition of Teaching Policy (UAPPOL)

Teaching Awards Procedure (UAPPOL)

NOTE: Normally, applicants are elligible to receive only one Award for Teaching Excellence in a given year. Please contact us at if you have questions or concerns.


The university communities are encouraged to support applications for these awards as part of our commitment to inclusive teaching excellence.  
Phase 1 

Applicants are invited to submit their application in a modality and language of their choosing. If we haven’t yet thought of the way in which you would like to submit your application, please let us know!

All eligible members of the University community are welcome to apply in Phase 1. 

Phase 2 

The GFC University Teaching Awards Committee (UTAC) is responsible for reviewing applications received in Phase 1 to identify a short list of applicants from which additional materials supporting the application will be solicited. UTAC will ensure that adjudication follows:

  • the principles described in the UAPPOL Teaching Recognition Policy suite, 
  • the UTAC adjudication guidelines, 
  • and is guided by identifying pedagogical approaches that engage with the Framework for Effective Teaching

A number of awards with multiple eligible staff categories will be given each year. At the completion of the adjudication process, UTAC will make recommendations for iterative improvements to the application and adjudication guidelines.

awards for teaching excellence

Award for Excellence in Graduate Teaching

The Award for Excellence in Graduate Teaching recognizes graduate-level teaching excellence and is intended to publicize such excellence to the University and the wider community, to encourage the pursuit of such excellence, and to promote informed discussion of graduate teaching and its improvement at the University of Alberta.

Eligibility: Any full-time continuing member of the academic teaching staff from the following categories (as outlined in the UAPPOL Recruitment Policy (Appendix A)) may apply: 

  • A1 (Schedule A - Academic Faculty Member, Scheduled F - Administrative and Professional Officers (APO) Member, Schedule B - Faculty Service Officers (FSO) Member, Schedule C - Librarian); 
  • A2.1 (Schedule D - Academic Teaching Staff (ATS) Members (Career, Term 12, Term Recurring))

Provost's Award for Early Achievement of Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching

The Provost's Award for Early Achievement of Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching recognizes publicly the achievement of teaching excellence, and is intended to publicize such excellence to the University and the wider community, to encourage the pursuit of achievement of such inclusive excellence among newly appointed academic staff, and to promote informed discussion of teaching and its improvement at the University of Alberta. 

Eligibility: Any Continuing academic staff from the following categories (as outlined in the UAPPOL Recruitment Policy (Appendix A)) within five years* (exclusive of any leaves) of their first continuous university appointment, regardless of institution, may apply: (Normally applicants will be pre-tenure, or equivalent.) 

  • A1 (Schedule A - Academic Faculty Member, Scheduled F - Administrative and Professional Officers (APO) Member, Schedule B - Faculty Service Officers (FSO) Member, Schedule C - Librarian); 
  • A2.1 (Schedule D - Academic Teaching Staff (ATS) Members (Career, Term 12, Term Recurring))

*Academic years (generally July 1 - June 30)

Rutherford Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching

The Rutherford Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching recognizes publicly the achievement of teaching excellence, and is intended to publicize such excellence to the University and the wider community, to encourage the pursuit of achievement of such inclusive excellence among academic staff, and to promote informed discussion of teaching and its improvement at the University of Alberta. Normally, applicants will have been granted tenure (or equivalent). 

Eligibility: Any Continuing academic staff from the following categories (as outlined in the UAPPOL Recruitment Policy (Appendix A)) may apply: 

  • A1 (Schedule A - Academic Faculty Member, Scheduled F - Administrative and Professional Officers (APO) Member, Schedule B - Faculty Service Officers (FSO) Member, Schedule C - Librarian); 
  • A2.1 (Schedule D - Academic Teaching Staff (ATS) Members (Career, Term 12, Term Recurring))

Teaching Collaboration Award

The Teaching Collaboration Award is intended to recognize publicly teaching excellence that occurs as a result of the collaboration of instructors, to publicize such excellence to the University and the wider community, to encourage the pursuit of such excellence, and to promote informed discussion of teaching and its improvement at the University of Alberta.

Eligibility: Collaboration may occur between or among members of different groups within the university and beyond and may include, but is not limited to: teaching assistants, technical staff, community partners, etc.. Collaboration may occur in a course team (e.g. a course comprised of several sections) or other teaching projects that involve instructors collaborating in the design and implementation of instruction at the undergraduate or graduate level and who are actively involved in the delivery of instruction. 

William Hardy Alexander Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching

The William Hardy Alexander Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching recognizes publicly the achievement of teaching excellence, and is intended to publicize such excellence to the University and the wider community, to encourage the pursuit of achievement of such inclusive excellence among academic staff, and to promote informed discussion of teaching and its improvement at the University of Alberta.

Eligibility: Any Academic Teaching Staff in temporary appointments from the following categories (as outlined in the UAPPOL Recruitment Policy (Appendix A)) may apply: 

  • A2.2 Term (Schedule D - Academic Teaching Staff (ATS) Member (Term)); 
  • A2.3 Full time (Schedule G - Temporary Librarian, Administrative and Professional Officer (TLAPS) Member); 
  • A2.4 Part time (Schedule G - Temporary Librarian, Administrative and Professional Officer (TLAPS) Member)

For a complete list of academic awards and recipients visit the Faculty Awards database. Use the search tool or navigate to the award you are interested in. For discipline specific awards select the appropriate field of study and determine which award(s) are applicable then click search. Click on "Show award recipients..." to view the list of past recipients of that award.