Cross Cancer Institute
The Cross Cancer Institute (CCI), part of Alberta Health Services (AHS), has its own CCAC-accredited animal care and use program. Special arrangements are in place to streamline protocol approvals for studies conducted at both CCI and the University.
University faculty in the Department of Oncology conducting their entire study at CCI should apply to the CCI Animal Care Committee (CCI ACC). Those conducting their study at HSLAS should apply to the ACUC Health Sciences.
For studies involving both HSLAS and CCI facilities, applications should be submitted via ARISE to the ACUC Health Sciences.
Amendments to studies already approved in ARISE to include work at CCI should be prepared in ARISE, with CCI ACC input obtained during the review process.
Contact CCI ACC
If you need help determining where to submit, please contact:
Pamela Raposo
If your animal research is conducted solely at the CCI, please contact:
Sandy Deib