Alberta Implant Residency (AIR) program update

In September, Continuing Dental Education (CDE) proceeded with the next section of their Alberta Implant Residency (AIR) program.

Dr. Cheryl Cable and Jessalyn King - 30 September 2020

Over the two-day hands-on segment of the Alberta Implant Residency (AIR) program, CDE welcomed twelve participants to the School of Dentistry's simulation lab and Oral Health Clinic. Participants were from all across Alberta and placed 22 dental implants. AIR  is co-directed by Dr. Reena Talwar, oral surgeon, and Dr. Cheryl Cable, prosthodontist — both clinical instructors at the School of Dentistry.

Starting in the simulation lab on the first floor of ECHA, participants learned presurgical lab techniques, with hands-on surgical and prosthetics kits. The sim lab is large, with adequate space for individual material handling and spacing.

The course moved into the surgical environment to complete actual implants in the Oral Health Clinic on the 8th floor of the Kaye Edmonton Clinic. This portion was supervised by three oral surgeons and attended by two prosthodontists for surgical consults and to show hands-on temporization techniques.

Patient safety was their first priority, so they ensured the Clinic's strict IPC protocol was followed. This included patient pre-screening and isolated surgical environments to maintain the highest healthcare standards. In the end, the patients who received implants were very satisfied with their work.

The program started with in-person lectures in January 2020. In April, lectures moved online to maintain momentum post-COVID. The next surgical session is planned in October, and we already have 20 patients scheduled.

Along with the dentists and patients, CDE also hosted representatives from implant companies NobelBiocare, Straumman and Astra were present for the full program, as well as a rep from a grafting company.