Sr. Elizabeth’s 40th Jubilee Celebration
14 May 2020

Sister Elizabeth Poilievre provides spiritual direction at SJC as part of the college's Campus Ministry team, at least when she's not physically distancing like the rest of us! Sr. Elizabeth is a member of the Faithful Companions of Jesus, a Catholic religious order founded in 1820 in France and now found in Belgium, England, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Romania, Switzerland, Argentina, Bolivia, Canada, Mexico, the United States, Australia, Indonesia, Myanmar, and the Philippines. Sr. Elizabeth took her vows in March of 1980 and so she was planning to celebrate her 40th anniversary in the order this past March when... well, why don't we hear it in her own words:
"My 40th Jubilee celebration was planned for March 29th for the public celebration, because that was the Sunday closest to the 26th (the date I originally took my vows) that had a student mass. However, with the Covid-19 restrictions in place preventing large gatherings, all masses were cancelled from mid-March onwards. I still wanted to mark the actual day with my community, so on March 26th we had a lovely prayer service, prepared by Sr. Ita, in our chapel, during which I renewed my vows. This was followed by a take-out dinner from Lemongrass restaurant. Dessert was a delicious fruit pie made by a friend. Sr. Yvonne had decorated the table in a lovely festive manner. It was a simple, meaningful and joyful celebration! I am grateful for all the good wishes from so many friends, and for all the blessings of these past 40 years! I look forward to the future with courage and confidence! I am hopeful that a public celebration can be held at some later date!"
Congratulations from SJC to Sr. Elizabeth for her many years of service, including to the students of our college. Thank you, Sr. Elizabeth!