Stitching the Curve
13 May 2020

SJC’s Director of Library Services Hailey Siracky has been putting her knitting skills to new uses lately as a participant in the University of Alberta Libraries Stitching the Curve project, a data-driven making project that tracks emerging Covid-19 data across Canada.
The project was started by several librarians at the University of Alberta, many of whom are based out of the Digital Scholarship Centre, where this project is serving as a trial run for future projects at the intersection of data physicalization, community, and making.
Siracky and the other participants are each responsible for tracking the daily cases of Covid-19 in a particular province or territory in Canada. Different colours represent different numbers of cases, and will result in a physicalization of the Covid-19 curve over time.
You can read more on the University of Alberta Libraries News Blog, and check out the public version of the project document here. Knitters are also sharing their progress on social media under the hashtag #stitchingthecurve.