Celebrating the 2019 Great Supervisor Awards

In recent years, universities across North America have realized the essential role of graduate student supervision in the overall quality of graduate student education.
In fact, research suggests the most important relationship that influences graduate students' progress is the relationship with their research supervisor. The supervisor guides the student's research and socializes the student into the profession.
Great supervisors not only guide research and professional skills, but also embrace mentorship. Mentorship means seeing the whole person with whom they work and embracing who they can become. It requires taking into account the passions, talents and personality of the graduate student. The supervisor's mentoring relationship is also highly linked to graduate student mental health, and the hope and optimism a graduate student carries with them when they leave the university.
In recognition of the great supervisors at the University of Alberta, the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research launched the Great Supervisor Awards. These supervisors were selected by people who work closely with graduate students - Associate Chairs, graduate coordinators, graduate program staff, department chairs, and others professors and students who recognize the dedication and skill of a supervisor in their program. The awards also invite nominees who have clearly enhanced the mentorship culture for graduate students.
It is a pleasure to read about the myriad of ways in which intelligence, kindness, and foresight come together in the individuals receiving this award. I offer them each my thanks and congratulations.
- Naomi Krogman, Associate Dean, FGSR- Naomi Krogman, Associate Dean, FGSR
- Al Meldrum, Physics
- Andreas Hamann, Renewable Resources
- Andrew Martin, Mechanical Engineering
- Anne Malena, Modern Languages and Cultural Studies
- Armann Ingolfsson, Business PhD
"Armann Ingolfsson has been an outstanding supervisor of students… In his own calm and quiet way, Armann has clearly contributed to the culture of excellent supervision and mentorship in the Business PhD Program."
- Bob Koch, Mechanical Engineering
- Chloe Taylor, Women's and Gender Studies
- Danielle Peers, Kinesiology, Sport, and Recreation
- Donna Goodwin, Kinesiology, Sport, and Recreation
- Esther Kim, Communication Sciences and Disorders
- Feral Temelli, Agricultural, Food & Nutritional Science
"Feral is an extraordinary teacher who teaches how to learn…a respected leader who never says "go", but always, "let's go". An impeccable researcher who makes you not just a knowledge consumer, but a knowledge creator - and above all, a very kind and generous human being who has been devoted to student success."
- Fredrick Colbourne, Psychology
- Georg Schmolzer, Pediatrics
- George Buck, Educational Psychology
- Gino Fallone, Oncology
- Greg Kawchuk, Rehabilitation Medicine
- Heather Wier, Business PhD
- Hongbo Zeng, Chemical and Materials Engineering
- Ian Winship, Psychiatry
- Ing Swie Goping, Biochemistry
"A compassionate and effective graduate student supervisor. She ably and enthusiastically guides her students through the academic and research aspects of their programs."
- Jan Selman, Drama
- Janet Elliott, Chemical and Materials Engineering
- Jeremy Rossiter, History and Classics
- Johanne Paradis, Linguistics
- John Gamon, Earth & Atmospheric Sciences
- Justine Turner, Pediatrics
- Keavy Martin, English and Film Studies
"Keavy is an extremely popular supervisor… She is a conscientious mentor who commits a tremendous amount of time to helping her students find ways to bring their research projects to fruition and to become successful scholars."
- Kim Raine, School of Public Health
- Kimberley Mathot, Biological Sciences
- Kimberly Noels, Psychology
- Kurt Konhauser, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences
- Lawrence H. Le, Radiology and Diagnostic Imaging
- Leluo Guan, AFNS
- Lili Liu, Rehabilitation Medicine
"Lili supports and mentors her students to grow personally and professionally throughout their studies. She involves them in her research networks and exposes them to rich learning experiences with research leaders."
- Mahdi Tavakoli, Electrical and Computer Engineering
- Maria Mayan, Faculty of Extension
- Mariléne Oliver, Art & Design
- Nicholas Beier, Civil and Environmental Engineering
- Pamela Mayne-Correia, Anthropology
- Rambabu Karumudi, Electrical and Computer Engineering
"An exceptionally dedicated supervisor who cares a lot about his - though not only his - students. Patient and full of understanding."
- Rob Shields, Sociology and MACT
- Rodrigo Fernández, Physics
- Sathya Rao, Modern Languages and Cultural Studies
- Simon Otto, School of Public Health
- Solina Richter, Faculty of Nursing
- Suzanne Tank, Biological Sciences
- Tae J. Kwon, Civil and Environmental Engineering
- Tom Churchill, Surgery
- Vera Caine, Faculty of Nursing
- Xiaoting Li, East Asian Studies
"Dr. Li treats her supervisees as young members of the research community, involving them in various learning and research activities, and assisting them to grow as independent scholars."