Each fall the university hosts the Celebration of Service. The award ceremony recognizes all faculty and staff members who have attained service milestones of 25, 30, 35, 40 and 45 years of service within the calendar year. As part of the celebration, we also recognize individuals and groups who are nominated by their peers for outstanding contributions to healthy and vibrant workplaces.
Excellence in Learning Support
Joanne Rodger, Director, Program Quality & Accreditation - MD Program, Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry
Joanne is more than just an efficient and organized conveyer of information. Her encouraging, willing attitude is respectful and open, and that, coupled with her vast organizational knowledge has made her an invaluable resource for students. She follows up on student well-being with sensitivity, respect, and genuine concern. Joanne leads with a positive outlook and impact. She embodies the University of Alberta’s promise of “uplifting the whole people” for everyone around her.
Deena Hamza, Implementation & Health Professions Education Scientist - Postgraduate Medical Education, Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry
Deena is nothing less than a role model. The high standards she sets for her students are only superseded by those she sets for herself. She is a pleasure to work with, constantly receptive to ideas, and always respectful. While day-to-day, the essence of her work is to improve the educational environment for learners, she is constantly taking one step further to ensure that residents become scholars.
Excellence in Leadership
Bailey Sousa, Director of Operations - Peter Lougheed Leadership College
Bailey draws on a deep well of commitment to leadership knowledge and practice, a capacity to identify opportunities, and the willingness and perseverance to see projects through from start to finish. As a leader, she believes in processes that put people first and she empowers her staff by making them feel valued and trusted to take risks and innovate. Bailey is the lighthouse for the team during turbulent times, helping us stay on course by reminding us of our mission and of our strength as a unit.
Shaniff Esmail, Interim Chair and Professor - Department of Occupational Therapy
Shaniff fosters an environment of ‘workplace family’ and promotes the atmosphere of sharing, humor, and good will needed for successful team working. Even under adverse circumstances, he encourages department gathering and collegiality. His group leadership skills are subtle and effective. Shaniff has the ability to create a spark that ignites others to find their passions and bring out the best in their learning, teaching, and research.
APO, FSO, MAPS & Librarian Recognition Award
Corey Davis, Faculty Service Officer - Department of Biological Sciences
Corey rises to every challenge that the University offers, and has shifted through many different roles, fulfilling whatever duties that the University calls upon him to do. Corey exemplifies the attitudes of an outstanding ambassador for the University of Alberta. He never seems flustered by all the different “hats” he has to wear on a daily basis, and can proactively respond to emerging issues. Corey promotes a culture of respect with constant communication, asking what staff need and ensuring they feel safe when working.
Salena Kitteringham, Director, Communications and Marketing - Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry
Salena approaches every part of her day with a growth mindset. She constantly strives to produce the best possible quality of work, and her passion for her work is impressive and inspiring to those around her. Salena leads with her heart, and her genuine concern for the welfare of others makes her a fantastic leader. She has a talent for identifying a person’s strengths and helping to develop them, which in turn encourages them to aim higher to reach their full potential.
Support Staff Recognition Award
Christie Nohos, Executive Assistant/Office Manager - Department of Renewable Resources and Department Resource Economics & Environmental Sociology
Christie is extremely positive, enthusiastic, hardworking and dedicated to her work. She demonstrates a consistently outstanding commitment to the U of A, and is always willing to help out no matter how busy she might be. Christie is a genuinely wonderful person who does the work of 5 people. She keeps the department working perfectly and makes you happy to work with her. She is always a ray of sunshine in the office, brightening everyone's day.

Jeff Johnston, Lead Coordinator, Fabrication Workshop - Department of Biological Sciences
Through his excellent craftsmanship and wonderful attitude, Jeff has greatly contributed to a positive culture. He is one of the most dedicated, innovative, genuine and engaged persons in the Department. Jeff is a skilled craftsman! The items he designed and built have worked flawlessly. His creativity, passion, enthusiasm and energy truly help to build and support our department.
Linda Christensen, Administrative Assistant - Department of Biological Sciences
Linda has a calm, composed, efficient, stately manner that surrounds her within those chaos storms that can happen in any busy office. She was and remains, an outstanding example of cooperation and positivity with her colleagues and has always been a positive influence on workplace mental health. Linda excels in her role because she genuinely loves what she does and where she works.
The Celebration of Service recognizes faculty and staff members who have service reflecting 25, 30, 35, 40 or 45 years of service within the 2021 calendar year: