Eric J. Hanson Lecture 2022

May 19, 2022 4:00 PM - 7:00 PM
Business 2-09

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The Promise and Pitfalls of Applying Insights from Psychology and Neuroscience to Address Public Policy Challenges

Paul J. Ferraro, Bloomberg Distinguished Professor, Johns Hopkins University

In most policy settings, success is impossible without changes in human behavior. Growing recognition of this fact has encouraged policy makers and program designers to turn to the behavioral sciences for insights that can enhance program impacts and cost-effectiveness. Professor Ferraro will discuss the promise and the pitfalls of applying these insights to address public policy challenges and the degree to which these insights complement, rather than substitute for, insights from economics.


Professor Paul Ferraro, Bloomberg Distinguished Professor, Carey Business School and Bloomberg School of Public Health and Whiting School of Engineering, Johns Hopkins University, collaborates with scientists, lawyers, engineers, and program administrators to develop evidence-based programs to solve society’s most pressing problems. His research aims to incorporate insights from the behavioral sciences into program designs and to measure program impacts on the environment and human welfare.


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Arts Economics Institute for Public Economics