Patricia Makokis presents in the Lougheed College Lectures

Mar. 3, 2022 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM

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Serve with Humility: Leadership is Action, Not Position!

Mobilizing change can be as simple as one step at a time, one walk at a time, and one person at a time. Dr. Makokis will speak about her leadership journey, going back to the mid 1990’s when she started formally studying leadership. That academic journey gave her the opportunity to include Indigenous ways of leading, which means leading collaboratively, with compassion, and kindness. Fast forward to 2021, when the leadership gurus write about leading with intuition, collaboration, and shared leadership. So, is the new really the old?

Studying leadership helped Dr. Makokis validate, affirm and make space for Cree ways of leading as taught to her by Elders. Leadership is a lifelong learning journey that we are all called into, together. We are all related as red, yellow, black and white family—all my ally relations. In this presentation, Dr. Makokis will give you tools to harness the power of your community to work together and mobilize change.


About Patricia Makokis

Dr. Patricia Makokis studied leadership at the University of San Diego, graduating with a Doctor of Education degree in 2000. Her major was leadership. Over the years, Dr. Makokis has developed and taught leadership courses and workshops for Tribal Colleges, universities, government and industry. She is a speaker with the Speakers Bureau of Canada and sees herself as a grassroots servant leader. In 2009 she received the alumni leadership award from USD and was recognized for her leadership work.

Her latest ventures include teaming up with Brad Leitch and Scott MacDougall in the production of treaty – ally films. See: and She credits that work to leadership teachings of Elder mentors in her life, some still on this earth plane, others now in the spirit realm.


About the Series

Be informed, challenged, and inspired by local, national, and international leaders from government, business, academica, and the cultural and nonprofit sectors. The Lougheed College Lectures sponsored by Syncrude present exceptional speakers from interdisciplinary backgrounds who share their insights on the leadership needed to face the complex challenges of the 21st century. Watch recordings of previous events on the Lougheed College Lecture Archive


Lougheed College Lectures
Peter Lougheed Leadership College
Community, Public
Faculty, Staff
Prospective Students
Undergraduate Students
Graduate Students
Lectures, Seminars Training, Development
Leadership Truth & Reconciliation Change