Alarms & Evacuation

University buildings may be evacuated for a variety of reasons, including fire, weather emergencies, hazardous material releases or bomb threats.

When an alarm sounds or you are told to evacuate the building

  • Leave the building immediately through the nearest marked fire exit. Do NOT use elevators or pedways. Close doors behind you.
  • As you leave, accompany visitors and alert others.
  • Once outside the building, move to the muster point. Muster points are identified by maps in the elevator lobby of your building.
  • Notify emergency responders if you suspect that someone is still inside.
  • Do NOT re-enter the building until permitted to do so by emergency responders.

People who cannot evacuate for mobility reasons will:

  • Report to the nearest emergency exit stairwell and remain there.
  • Alert Protective Services at 780-492-5050.

Be prepared for a building evacuation

  • Familiarize yourself with the evacuation route and closest designated muster/gathering point. You can find this information on the signs posted next to elevators and stairwells in university buildings.
  • Ensure your staff, students, and visitors know your evacuation procedures.