GSA COVID-19 Announcement

Concerned About Covid?

12 August 2021

Following on the GSA's recently conducted survey about the University's return to campus plan, individual conversations with graduate students who have brought their concerns forward, and the province's removal of public health measures to grapple with the ongoing pandemic, the GSA has serious concerns about the safety of members of the campus community as the fall term begins. GSA student leaders will continue to advance these concerns to government (via the Alberta Graduate Provincial Advocacy Council) and to University administration and urge all graduate students, in the absence of official government and/or University directives, to continue taking all possible precautions to limit the spread and severity of the virus (including mask wearing, securing a vaccination, etc).

Please bring forward your concerns to the GSA so that we make sure University administration and the provincial government are aware of the legitimate fears of community members for their own safety and/or that of vulnerable family members. You can read more about the University's plans here.