Franz Szabo

Professor Emeritus

Phone: 780.492.2587
Mailing Address: History & Classics
University of Alberta
2-28 Tory Building
Edmonton AB Canada T6G 2H4


Ph.D. University of Alberta (1976)
M.A. University of Alberta (1970)
B.A. Hon. University of Montréal, Loyola College (1968)

Expertise & Research Interests

  • Enlightened Absolutism in the Habsburg Monarchy (1740-1792)
  • Seven Years War
  • Cultural History of Central Europe (1500-present)
  • Austrian Immigration to Canada

Research & Publications


The Seven Years War in Europe, 1756-1763 (Harlow:Pearson Longman, 2007)

Kaunitz and enlightened absolutism, 1753-1780 (Cambridge:Cambridge University Press, 1994)


Legacy of Empire: Treasures of the University of Alberta's Central European Library Collection [author of catalogue and curator of exhibition of the same name]. (Edmonton: University of Alberta Libraries, 2008)

Other Books:

Co-editor [with Grete Klingenstein], Staatskanzler Wenzel Anton von Kaunitz-Rietberg, 1711-1794: Neue Perspektiven zu Politik und Kultur der europäischen Aufklärung [with Grete Klingenstein] (Graz, Esztergom, Paris, N.Y.: Andreas Schnider Verlagsatelier, 1996)

Co-editor [with Frederick C. Engelmann and Manfred Prokop], A History of the Austrian Migration to Canada (Ottawa: Carleton University Press, 1996)

Editor, Austrian Immigration to Canada: Selected Essays (Ottawa: Carleton University Press, 1996).

Co-editor [with Antal Szántay and István György Tóth], Politics and Culture in the Age of Joseph II (Budapest: Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 2005).

Co-editor [with Charles Ingrao], The Germans and the East (West Lafayette, IN: Purdue University Press, 2007)

Co-editor [with Gary B. Cohen], Building Baroque Cities in Austria and Europe (Oxford & New York: Berghahn Books, 2007)

Co-editor [with Howard Louthan and Gary B. Cohen], Diversity and Dissent: Negotiating Religious Difference in Central Europe, 1500-1800 (Oxford & New York: Berghahn Books, 2011)

Select Other Publications:

"Prince Kaunitz and the Hungarian Diet of 1790-1791," in Helmut Wohnout, Ursula Mindler and George Kastner, eds., Auf der Suche nach Identität: Festschrift für Dieter Anton Binder zum Sechzigsten Geburtstag (Vienna: LIT Verlag, 2014), pp. 255-291.

"Gefeiert und Umstritten: Das Friedrich Bild im Lichte der Jubiläumsfeier des Königs," Historische Zeitschrift Vol. 298, No. 2 (January, 2014), pp. 381-406.

"Perdre l'Amérique en Allemagne: les revers français en Europe durant la guerre de Sept Ans," in Bertrand Fonck and Laurent Veyssière, eds., La fin de la Nouvelle-France (Paris: Armand Colin-Ministère de la Défense, 2013), pp. 39-63

"Between Privilege and Professionalism: The Career of Wenzel Anton Kaunitz," in Harald Heppner, Peter Urbanitsch and Renate Zedinger, eds., Social Change in the Habsburg Monarchy (Bochum: Verlag Dr. Dieter Winkler, 2011), pp.137-153.

"Changing Perspectives on the 'Revolutionary Emperor': Joseph II Biographies since 1790," Journal of Modern History LXXXIII, (March, 2011)

"The Center and the Periphery: Echoes of the Diplomatic Revolution in the Administration of the Habsburg Monarchy, 1753-1773," in Marija Wakounig, Wolfgang Mueller and Michael Portmann,eds., Nation, Nationalitäten und Nationalismus im östlichen Europa: Festschrift für Arnold Suppan zum 65. Geburtstag (Vienna: LIT Verlag, 2010), pp.473-490.

"Perspective from the Pinnacle: State Chancellor Kaunitz on Nobility in the Habsburg Monarchy," in Gabriele Haug-Moritz, Hans Peter Hye and Marlies Raffler, eds., Adel im "langen" 18. Jahrhundert (Vienna: Austrian Academy of Sciences, 2009), pp. 239-260.

"Der Beethoven-Fries und seine Beziehung zum Werk von Gustav Klimt," in Stephan Koja, ed., _Gustav Klimt: Der Beethoven-Fries und die Kontroverse um die Freiheit der Kunst Art_ (Munich, Berlin, London, N.Y.: Prestel Verlag, 2006), pp. 139-152.

"Favorit, Premierminister oder 'drittes Staatsoberhaupt'? Der Fall des Staatskanzlers Wenzel Anton Kaunitz," in: Michael Kaiser and Andreas Pecar, eds., Der Zweite Mann im Staat: Oberste Amtsträger und Favoriten im Umkreis der Reichsfürsten in der Frühen Neuzeit (Berlin: Duncker & Humblot, 2003), pp. 345-362.

"Austrian First Impressions of Ethnic Relations in Galicia: The Case of Governor Anton Pergen," in Israel Bartal and Antony Polonsky, eds., POLIN: Studies in Polish Jewry Vol.XII: Focusing on Galicia: Jews, Poles and Ukrainians, 1772-1918 (London & Portland, Oregon: The Littman Library of Jewish Civilization, 1999), pp. 49-60.

"Competing Visions of Enlightened Absolutism. Security and Economic Development in the Reform Priorities of the Habsburg Monarchy after the Seven Years War," in: János Kalmár, ed., Miscellanea fontium historiae Europaeae: Emlékkönyv H. Balázs Éva történészprofesszor 80. születésnapjára (Budapest: ELTE Bölcsészettudományi Kar, 1997), pp.191-200.

"Ambivalez der Aufklärungspolitik in der Habsburgermonarchie unter Joseph II. und Leopold II.," in Gerhard Ammerer and Hanns Haas, eds., Ambivalenzen der Aufklärung: Festschrift für Ernst Wangermann (Vienna: Verlag für Geschichte und Politik; Munich: R. Oldenbourg Verlag, 1997), pp. 21-32.

"The Cultural Transformation of the Habsburg Monarchy in the Age of Metastasio, 1730-1780," Studies in Music Vol. XVI (1997), 1-24.

"Fürst Kaunitz und die Anfänge des Josephinismus," in Bundesministerium für Wissenschaft und Forschung and Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, eds., Österreich im Europa der Aufklärung: Kontinuität und Zäsur in Europa zur Zeit Maria Theresias und Josephs II. 2 Volumes (Vienna: Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, 1985), Vol. I, pp. 525-545.

"Unwanted Navy: Habsburg Naval Armaments under Maria Theresia," Austrian History Yearbook Vol. XVII-XVIII (1981-1982), pp. 29-53.

"Intorno alle origini del giuseppinismo: motivi economico-sociali e aspetti ideologici," Società e storia No. 4 (1979), pp. 155-174.

"Staatskanzler Fürst Kaunitz und die Aufklärungspolitik Österreichs," in Walter Koschatzky, ed., Maria Theresia und Ihre Zeit: Eine Darstellung der Epoche von 1740-1780 aus Anlaß der 200. Wiederkehr des Todestages der Kaiserin (Salzburg and Vienna: Residenz Verlag, 1979), pp. 40-45.

"Changing Perspectives on the 'Revolutionary Emperor': Joseph II Biographies since 1790," Journal of Modern History LXXXIII, (March, 2011)

"The Center and the Periphery: Echoes of the Diplomatic Revolution in the Administration of the Habsburg Monarchy, 1753-1773," in Marija Wakounig, Wolfgang Mueller and Michael Portmann,eds., Nation, Nationalitäten und Nationalismus im östlichen Europa: Festschrift für Arnold Suppan zum 65. Geburtstag (Vienna: LIT Verlag, 2010), pp.473-490.

"Perspective from the Pinnacle: State Chancellor Kaunitz on Nobility in the Habsburg Monarchy," in Gabriele Haug-Moritz, Hans Peter Hye and Marlies Raffler, eds., Adel im "langen" 18. Jahrhundert (Vienna: Austrian Academy of Sciences, 2009), pp. 239-260.