Use of Personal Information

The university, as a public body, may use personal information only:

  • for the purpose for which the information was collected or compiled, or for a use consistent with that purpose. This purpose is described in the FOIP notification statement displayed to the individual when the information was initially collected; or
  • if the individual the information is about has identified the information and consented, in the prescribed manner, to the use (see Guidance on Informed Consent for more information); or
  • for a purpose for which that information may be disclosed to the university, as a public body (see further detail below)*; or
  • if the information is in alumni records, for the purpose of a post-secondary educational body's own fund-raising activities, unless the individual has requested that the university stop using his or her personal information in this way.

* For a purpose for which the information may be disclosed to a public body - these purposes are described in sections 40, 42 or 43 of the FOIP Act.

Please note that the university can use personal information only to the extent necessary to carry out its purpose in a reasonable manner. This limitation applies both to the amount and type of personal information being used.

May 2017