University of Bergen - Exchange

City: Bergen Country: Norway

University of Bergen Website


What the University has to offer:

  • Norway's "urban university" - intricately woven into the geographical, historical and cultural framework of the city of Bergen
  • Has a rich and diversified mix of cultures and countries on campus - known as Norway's "most international university"
  • Has a broad range of academic disciplines; including the Humanities, Law, Mathematics, Natural Sciences, Medicine, Dentistry, Psychology, and Social Sciences
  • Has an environment of freedom of speech and openness where men and women can engage in knowledge-based and critical reflection while contributing to the advancement of knowledge
  • Situated in Bergen - a city on the mountaineous western coast of Norway with an abundance of green parks, tree-lined streets and lakes - a spectacular setting between the mountains and the sea

When Can I Go?

Terms Offered: Fall, Winter, Full Year

Term Dates:

Fall term equivalent: August - December

Winter term equivalent: January - June

Eligibility Requirements

Open to: All Faculties

Level: Undergraduate and Graduate

See Eligibility.

Course Information

Language of Instruction: English, Norwegian

Field of Study: All except Medicine, Dentistry, Fine Art, Design, and Music composition/performance

The University of Bergen offers about 400 courses taught in English.

ECTS = European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System

University of Bergen Course Information

University of Bergen Credit Information


University of Bergen Accommodation

Program Contact

University of Alberta International, Education Abroad

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Funding Opportunities 

Students receive on average between $1,400-$2,000 in funding.

Over 80% of students who apply get funding.

Education Abroad Awards