Cultural and Inter-Faith Crossroads in Ukraine

Case Study of a "Flying Community" - presentation by Natalia Bezborodova.

29 October 2018

Flying Community presentation


Comunione e Liberazione (Communion and Liberation" is an Italian-rooted Roman Catholic-based movement, established in the 1950s in Italy, that came to Ukraine less than a decade ago. There is a new phenomenon within the movement, a "flying community" that includes members of different ages and ethnic origins, Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox Christians from Ukraine, Russia and Belarus.

What is the role of current macro-scale political factors, such as the recent conflict between Ukraine and Russia, shaping people's micro-level relationships within their CL community? Does people's membership intensify their religious and/or nation-state affiliation? Nataliya Bezborodova is going to explore these questions through research of CL festivals and exhibits as mediators of social changes.

When: Thursday, November 1, 2018 at 12 pm.

Where: Kule Folklore Centre, 250 Old Arts Bldg.

Photo: A "Flying Community" exhibit presentation at the Pamezhzha festival in Minsk, June 2017.

Nataliya Bezborodova is a PhD student at the Department of Anthropology and a Research Assistant at the Kule Folklore Center. Her doctoral project focuses on the meaning of space and place in migrations and contemporary international religious movements on the example of Comunione e Liberazione. In 2016, Nataliya got her MA degree at the Department of Modern Languages and Cultural Studies under the supervision of Dr. Andriy Nahachewsky. She has taken part in various research and artwork projects.