Congratulations to Jérémie Pelletier-Gagnon

30 June 2022

Jérémie Pelletier-Gagnon, an interdisciplinary PhD in Digital Humanities and Comparative Literature, is starting a new position at the Université de l'Ontario français (French University of Ontario). He will be a Professeur adjoint en Études des cultures numériques (Assistant Professor in digital cultures studies) teaching courses on issues like digital citizenship, digital writing and eventually game studies. Dr. Pelletier-Gagnon defended his thesis on “Playing in Public: Situated Play at the Intersection of Software, Cabinet and Space in Japanese Game Centres” in 2019 and recently published a co-edited book with Rachael Hutchinson on "Japanese Role-Playing Games: Genre, Representation, and Liminality in the JRPG".