

The MD Program is committed to creating a positive work and learning environment that is conducive to optimal educational experiences. There is no place for mistreatment in the MD Program or the Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry. We have policies that define mistreatment, mechanisms to respond and act promptly, and a commitment to actively prevent it.

Mistreatment includes bullying, harassment, discrimination, or any other behaviour that contributes to an unsafe learning environment. We have a no wrong door approach to reporting of mistreatment and commit to acting to address all concerns while protecting the safety and dignity of all involved. If at any time our members - including learners, staff, and faculty members - experience or witness mistreatment, and are seeking help, there are several offices and groups that offer support and advocacy:

Tools and mechanisms in place to report and prevent mistreatment include:

The No Wrong Door Approach to Mistreatment is illustrated in this comic strip that was created by Nicole Pernal and the Learning Design