Electives in the United States


  1. All electives taking place in the United States must be first approved by the electives coordinator by emailing electives@ualberta.ca and outlining the details of the elective; i.e. location, date, preceptor, topic.
  2. It is the student's responsibility to submit ALL required documentation for the application to the medical school for their elective. For example, medical clearance forms, police record checks, etc.
  3. If the elective is confirmed at the other medical school, the student then forwards to electives@ualberta.ca a confirmation email from the preceptor/administrator. The email should include the title of the elective, the location, start and end date of the elective and the preceptor first and last name and email address.
  4. The elective will be entered in the student's schedule in MedSIS.
  5. The student must supply to electives@ualberta.ca by the last Monday of the elective, the name of the primary preceptor who will do their evaluation (the preceptor they worked with the most or the one assigned to evaluate students for that elective). The student may submit more than one name if they think more than one preceptor worked with them enough to be able to evaluate them.
  6. MedSIS will send an evaluation request email to the preceptor on the last Thursday of the elective. It is the responsibility of the student to ensure this form is completed. The student should email the preceptor if the form has not been completed within two weeks after completing the elective.
  7. If the elective is cancelled for any reason, the UME Office, the preceptor and the department (where applicable) must be notified within two working days.

Application Form