
Graduate Studies and Faculty Policy

At first glance, a list of so many policies to guide our professional behaviour may seem daunting and confusing. Understand that these policies have a great deal of overlap with one another, but need to exist as each one guides a slightly different group of people; you are in the unique position of belonging to all of these groups during your medical school training at the University of Alberta.

Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry Codes of Conduct

Faculty Code of Conduct

Faculty and staff within the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry must adhere to the Faculty Code of Conduct. This is included in the Faculty Academic Staff Orientation Manual and is also on the FoMD webpages. This code of conduct guides the faculty with regards to their interactions with learners.

Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry Student Oath (Code of Conduct)

In their journey to become successful practitioners, the students of the Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry have constructed their own code of values, expectations and conduct to reflect the ideals that are integral to professionalism. The faculty has endorsed this document, which is consistent with The Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry Code of Conduct, and, in turn, expects students to commit to this code.

University Policies

Academic Integrity and Intellectual Property

Research and Scholarship Integrity Policy

Guidelines for Authorship

Guidelines for Ownership of Research Materials

Graduate Students Supported by Research Contracts or Affiliated Institutions