4.5 Examinations (Candidacy and Final Oral Examination)

All graduate students in the Faculty of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences must orally defend a thesis as part of the requirements to graduate. PhD students are also required to pass an oral candidacy examination by the 36th month of their program. The supervisor is responsible for arranging and attending these examinations. Specific duties related to this responsibility include:

  • arranging the time and room for the student's Final Oral Presentation (Section 2.4).
  • arranging the time and room for the student's examination.
  • identifying appropriate external examiner(s) (this activity should be conducted in consultation with the supervisory committee members).
  • identifying an examination Chair.


The Calendar provides details on the structure of an examining committee. The Calendar provides details on the conduct of examinations. The Forms Cabinet on the Faculty of Studies and Research website contains all required documents for the examinations, including the Notice of Examining Committee & Examination Date and Approve External Reader or Examiner for Final Doctoral Oral Examination. The supervisor is responsible for completing these forms and submitting them to the Graduate Coordinator within the required timelines.