PHIL 220

PHIL 220: Symbolic Logic II
Instructor: Hassan Masoud

Course Description

This course is a more advanced level of PHIL 120 (Symbolic Logic I). In PHIL 120, you have learned some basic concepts and techniques of Truth-Functional Logic (aka: Propositional or Sentential Logic) and First-Order Logic (aka: Predicate Logic or Quantificational Logic). In this course, you learn more about the language, semantics, and proof systems of TFL and FOL. Since FOL contains TFL, we can refer to the logic covered in this course just as FOL.

Course Objectives

In PHIL 220, you will learn how to:

  • Translate some sentences from English to the language of FOL,
  • Construct proofs in natural deduction, axiomatic, and tableaux systems
  • Work with formal semantics using basic notions of set theory

And, you will gain knowledge about some first-order theories including Peano Arithmetic.