Precision health icons over blue background

Precision Health

A University of Alberta Signature Area


Precision Health (PH) is an emerging approach to health and wellness that expands on efforts to understand, diagnose and treat disease through advances in technology. PH includes various activities from the promotion of health and wellness and the prevention of disease, to customized treatment strategies, and grouping of populations to determine the best care.

The PH framework includes using the power of artificial intelligence and machine learning applied to clinical, social, and biological data which enables a more precise analysis of the genetic, developmental, behavioural, contextual, environmental and social factors of health for both individuals and populations.

Featured Stories

Finding answers to undiagnosed rare diseases

With cutting-edge 'multi-omics' technology, a U of A team seeks to improve testing techniques and help patients who have undiagnosed genetic diseases. Read more

Read a Q & A about the future of precision health with Lawrence Richer, Academic Lead.

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