Amsalu, D.

Water Reuse and Resource Recovery in Canada: Understanding Society's Perspective
Amsalu, D., Ashbolt, N.J., Springett, J., Noga, J., Hopkins, D., Neumann, N., & Chui, Z.

In Canada, we use drinking water for various non-drinking uses, such as toilet flushing, clothes washing, and garden irrigation. Non-drinking uses do not necessarily require high quality water and can be supplied using alternative sources. Our research team explores the opportunity for water reuse as an alternative supply for non-drinking uses. Water reuse is the collection, treatment, and use of water that is reclaimed from alternative sources, such as stormwater, rainwater, and greywater (water from bathroom sinks, showers, and washing machines). One of the most important factors determining a reuse project's success is acceptance within the community it serves. We aim to use social engagement to understand what is socially acceptable for water reuse in Canada.

To get a fundamental understanding of what is needed for water reuse from a societal perspective, we engage with individuals and groups, including private citizens, municipal governments, government regulators, and water service providers. We have recently conducted focus groups with citizens and interviews with regulators. We are currently conducting interviews with water reuse proponents and online engagement with general public in Canada. We are also regularly reaching out to stakeholders across Canada to get a nationally informed perspective.

While the short-term advantage of water reuse is conservation of water, the long-term benefits are threefold: (1) economic sustainability by recovering resources; (2) social sustainability by ensuring availability of water for future generations; and (3) environmental protection by reducing contamination of fresh water sources. Water reuse can be win-win-win solutions benefiting the environment, Canadian society and economy.

The preliminary results of the focus groups indicate that education and understanding of the operation of water reuse system are essential for acceptance. This has important implications for our ongoing engagement activities to create more awareness. Our next steps will focus on supporting community demonstration projects, hosting public workshops, and providing educational resources.