FAQ - How We Work

How do we define community?

In the Centre for Healthy Communities, ‘community’ is broadly defined.  A community may include a region, municipality, organization, school, workplace, or any group of people with a shared goal.

Why do we work in partnership?

We are in an age of great advances in technological and social innovation and new knowledge about how to foster health, well-being and sustainability.  Yet, we continue to face implementation and system challenges about how to do this work effectively.

We also face critical societal questions about how our efforts:

  • impact the upstream social determinants of health;
  • offer equitable improvements in social, physical, and mental health;
  • make meaningful and measurable returns on quality of life;
  • bolster economic improvements;
  • are sustainable for the cityscape and natural environment; and
  • reduce demand on the healthcare sector.

In the Centre, we strive to engage our partners to work in a collaborative model to address these kinds of questions. We work in partnership with organizations and people from diverse sectors and disciplines, each bringing different knowledge, resources, and expertise. Together, we bring the best of science and practice to build capacity and advance the health of communities.

How why do we integrate diversity and equity lenses into all of our work? 

We recognize that diversity and equity are essential to healthy communities. We work in multiple settings - regions, communities, organizations, schools and workplaces - and with different populations to be sure our work is listening to multiple voices and representing different needs and perspectives. Our work is guided by equity and diversity lenses using approaches selected for alignment with each project’s goals.

We are concerned with the root causes of ill health and work to address structural and systemic inequities that create unfair conditions and unequal opportunities for health.

How can I get involved with the Centre for Healthy Communities?

Learn more about how to get involved or contact us at healthy.communities@ualberta.ca.