Participant Registry

Research plays an important role in continuing to advance our understanding and improve the treatment clinicians provide for the well-being of others. Children who participate in research projects may also benefit by:

  • Gaining exposure to different types of professions and technologies
  • Learning about the scientific process through active participation
  • Practicing and developing social skills, and expressing opinions and ideas
  • Boosting self-confidence, self-esteem and sense of accomplishment

Who can participate?

We have a number of studies in which babies, preschoolers, school-age children, teenagers and their families can participate including:

  • Children with typical development
  • Children with delayed speech and language development
  • Children who stutter
  • Children with speech-motor and motor control difficulties
  • Children with delayed gross and fine motor development
  • Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders
  • Children with specific neuro-motor impairments (e.g. cerebral palsy)
  • Children with intellectual disabilities
  • Children with mental health diagnoses
  • Children with perinatal stroke

How to register

Add your child's name to our research participant registry and we will contact you when a study comes up. At that time you can decide whether you would like your child to participate or not. If ever you would like to be removed from our registry, just contact us and we will do so immediately; otherwise, the information will be deleted when your child turns 18 years old.

*Your privacy is of the utmost importance to us; therefore, any information registered is kept on a password-protected and encrypted computer. Your information will not be shared with anyone outside CARG and we will not share your information outside of CARG and your child will never be identified by name in any reports.

**Your participation in this registry is entirely voluntary. You or your child may choose to withdraw at any time, and participation in this registry does not mean you have to agree to participate in any specific project.