Amendments and Renewals

Maintaining Ethics Approval

To maintain ethics approval:

  • Approvals for human ethics and animal care are valid for up to 12 months.
  • Any changes to the study during the approval period require REB/ACUC approval.
  • Ethics approval must be maintained throughout the activities requiring certification.
  • Projects approved by ACUCs are subject to Post Approval Monitoring  Post Approval Monitoring (PAM).
  • Regularly review project staff permissions in ARISE and update access to protocols.
  • Ensure valid approvals are in place to access funds for funded projects.


The PI must renew their ethics approval through ARISE before it expires. The system sends three reminders. Failure to renew leads to expiration and project deactivation for funded projects.

Initiate renewals early: 60 days before animal use protocols expire, and at least 2 weeks before the deadline for human participant research.

Expiry notices are sent to the animal services unit for projects involving animals.