Endodontics Treatment Information

We are now accepting patients.

Endodontic treatment (root canals) can be performed in endodontic treatment can be performed at the School of Dentistry Oral Health Clinic located in the Kaye Edmonton Clinic. This treatment is performed by dental students, and is supervised by endodontists.

The range of fees for endodontic treatment are between $216 – $463. Root canal treatment is completed over several appointments. 

Not every case is suitable for dental students. Cases that are not desirable are:

  • teeth that have been previously restored with a crown (unless previously accessed by a dentist)
  • teeth that have been previously endodontically treated
  • teeth that do not have visible canals on the periapical radiograph (eg. calcified canals)
  • second molars that are not easily accessible
  • patients who desire a single or low number of appointments to complete the work needed
  • teeth with complicated root anatomy (division of canals within the root system, trifurcated premolars, dens-in-dente, radix entomolaris)

When you come in for your appointment we will assess your eligibility. The patient will be assigned to a student for an endodontic consultation before proceeding with treatment.

For referring dentists, please complete the referral form.

Endodontic DDS Referral Form