Cool research! Deep freezing lungs for global transplantation

Congratulations to Larissa Lautner for successfully defending her thesis in cryopreservation of lungs for organ transplantation

29 June 2020

Congratulations to Larissa Lautner, for successfully defending her MSc thesis "Characterizing the Efficacy of Ice Recrystallization Inhibitors as a Novel Cryoprotectant for Lung Cryopreservation". She has been accepted as a medical student at Cumming School of Medicine, Calgary University. She says “My project involved some of the very first research to study lung cryopreservation and included the development of novel methods which may enable future researchers to study lung cryopreservation.” Her supervisors are Drs. Jayan Nagendran and Jason Acker.

Larissa Lautner photo