
The Operational governance function includes a series of Change Advisory Boards (CABs), which are responsible for oversight of changes to central IT systems in the University. In this role the CAB's have a gating function with respect to project deployments - to ensure operational readiness of the solution including the deployment plan, and to coordinate timing of deployments with other business, operational and project activities.

Operational - CAB(s), Product/Service Delivery Team(s)

Within the operational area there also are Product/Service Delivery Teams, responsible for central IT services within the University community. These teams participate in definition of projects to be proposed to the IT Steering Committees, and also participate in and provide resources to execute projects. The Operational layer, as a whole, works with the Project layer to provide consultation and regular reporting/escalation to the Steering layer.

Change Advisory Boards (CAB access only)

Committee Terms of Reference

Questions or thoughts regarding IT Governance at the University of Alberta? Contact us at itgov@ualberta.ca.