
Tony Luong (WGS and PSYCH) is the recipient of a 12-month part-time Undergraduate Research Stipend. Under the supervision of Dr. Kristin Rodier, Tony will consider the intersection of fat and trans embodiments. Entitled "Fitting In: Swapping Clothes, Sharing Vulnerability, and the Intersection of Fat & Trans Bodies," their project explores how restricted clothing options affect fat and trans peoples' ability to manage stigma and navigate between visibility and invisibility. Research activities include hosting community events (e.g., a plus-sized all genders clothing swap), auto-ethnographical research, and an article for the journal Fat Studies.

30 March 2015

Tony Luong (WGS and PSYCH) is the recipient of a 12-month part-time Undergraduate Research Stipend. Under the supervision of Dr. Kristin Rodier, Tony will consider the intersection of fat and trans embodiments. Entitled "Fitting In: Swapping Clothes, Sharing Vulnerability, and the Intersection of Fat & Trans Bodies," their project explores how restricted clothing options affect fat and trans peoples' ability to manage stigma and navigate between visibility and invisibility. Research activities include hosting community events (e.g., a plus-sized all genders clothing swap), auto-ethnographical research, and an article for the journal Fat Studies.