Study Guide for Final Examination

Procedural Matter

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Study Guide for the Final

The following two sections should help you study for the first midterm. The first provides the directions, so you should know what kind of questions to expect. Second there is a list of names/concepts to consider in studying for the midterm. BE SURE TO BRING A SUITABLE PENCIL FOR MARKING A COMPUTER-GRADED SHEET (HP OR #2).

Material for which you will be responsible

The final will consist of two parts:

Directions from the Final

List Of Names/Concepts

The following list of names/places/concepts is not intended to be a definitive or exhaustive list of everything that is important, but it should assist you in your preparation. Note in particular that some of the items are quite broad and imply knowledge of subordinate items that are not specified on the list.

Tiberius Sempronius Gracchus, tr. pl. 133
Land legislation
Inheritance from Attalus
Attempt at reelection to tribunate
C. Sempronius Gracchus
Program of reform
Citizenship for allies
M. Livius Drusus the elder
L. Opimius cos. 121
Q. Caecilius Metellus Numidicus cos. 109
C. Marius cos. 107
Enrollment of the landless in army
Cimbri and Teutoni
Battle of Arausio
L. Apuleius Saturninus tr. pl. 100
M. Livius Drusus the younger tr. pl. 91
Social War
L. Cornelius Sulla cos. 88
Cn. Octavius cos. 87
L. Cornelius Cinna cos. 87
First Mithridatic War
Insufficient number of praetorships
Equestrians (equites), control of law courts
Sulla's invasion of Italy
C. Marius junior
Colline Gate/Praeneste
Cn. Pompeius (Pompey)
Sullan dictatorship/constitution/settlement
Q. Caecilius Metellus Pius cos. 80
M. Aemilius Lepidus cos. 78
Q. Sertorius
M. Licinius Crassus cos. 70
L. Licinius Lucullus cos.74
Third Mithridatic War
Pompey and the war against the pirates
Pompey's Settlement of the East
Electoral Practices in the Late Republic
M. Tullius Cicero
L. Sergius Catilina (Catiline)
Catilinarian conspiracy
Pompey's Wishes/Intentions upon his Return from the East
Crassus and the equestrians
M. Porcius Cato
Caesar's Consulship
"First Triumvirate"
Caesar's conquest of Gaul
Breakdown of Electoral Process in 50's
P. Clodius Pulcher
Second joint consulship of Pompey and Crassus
Reconciliation of Pompey and Caesar's Enemies
Caesar's/Pompey's motives/plans during civil war
Battles of Pharsalus, Thapsus, Munda
Caesar's final intentions
Motives for Caesar's assassination
M. Junius Brutus
C. Cassius Longinus
M. Antonius (Mark Antony)
C. Octavius/Octavian/young Caesar/Imp. Caesar divi filius
D. Junius Brutus
Battle of Mutina
M. Aemilius Lepidus cos. 46
Battle of Philippi
L. Antonius
Perusian War
Sex. Pompeius/Magnus Pius
Battle of Naulochus
End of Lepidus
Antony's will
Oath to Caesar as"dux
Battle of Actium

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