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D.M. Gingrich, 1996

PHYS 673 Questionnaire

The results of this questionnaire are for my own information so that I may improve the course in the future. You may return it to me or place it in my mail slot. Please feel free to add any comments you think would be useful.

  1. Are you glad that you took this course?


  2. Have you learned more than usual?


  3. Was this course more work than other graduate courses you have taking?


    (Did some component require excessive time?)

  4. Did you like the general approach I took to the material or would you prefer we dealt with a specific experiment, computer hardware, computer language, etc?


  5. I have made use of the blackboard and the overhead projector. Which do you prefer?


    (What if I gave out handouts or do you still prefer to make your own notes?)

  6. Did you find the information on the web useful?


  7. Would you have prefered a lab. component to the course?


  8. Would you have prefered to build some electronics or write some parallel system? A large project component with a corresponding reduction in course content.


  9. I have followed several books and articles. Would you have prefered that I followed one (or two) particular textbooks?


  10. Are you happy with the weight given to assignments (100%) in determining the course mark?


    (Would you have prefered a midterm, final exam, lab mark, etc component to the grade?)

  11. Was it easy to obtain reference and reading material?


  12. Did you learn from the assigned work?


  13. Were the problem assignments reasonable?


    (Too many, too few, to hard, too easy?)

  14. Was the time allocated to do the assigned work reasonable?


  15. Were the reports, problem and coding assignments marked fairly?


  16. Would you have prefer more conventional assignments closely tied to the lectures?


  17. Which section of the course did you like best and which least: 1) electronics, 2) triggering, 3) microprocessors, 4) computer architectures, 5) parallel systems, 6) UNIX.

  18. How might the lectures be improved?

  19. How might the assignments be improved?

  20. What did you like most (or dislike) about this course?

  21. What do you like most about your other courses which might be applicable to this course?

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Douglas M Gingrich
Mon Nov 25 14:51:12 MST 1996