The Journal of Social Theory in Art Education  


 JSTAE Number 25, 2005: The Paradoxes of Un(becoming) - 25th Anniversary Issue

jan jagodzinski, Bill Wightman, Editorial: The Paradoxes of Un(becoming)

The Un(becoming) in Us

Kevin Tavin, Images: An Unbecoming Child: A (per)verse Growth Chart

Anniina Suominen, Stranger Within

Ed Check, (Un)Becoming Working Class? Living Across the Lines

Kimberly Cosier et al., (Un)Becoming Queer / (Un)Becoming LGBTIC

Un(becoming) the Self and Other

Sharon Chappell, Toward Art-Making as Liberatory Pedagogy and Practice: Artists and Students in an Anti-bullying School Reform Initiative

Carrie Markello, Visual Culture and Teenage Girls: Unraveling 'Cultural' Threads Tied to 'Self' and 'Other'

The Un(becoming) Aesthetic

Debora Smith-Shank, Images: Unbecoming War: Becoming Witness and Scribe

Nancy Pauly, Abu Ghraib: (Un)becoming Photographs: How can Art Educators Address Current Images from Visual Culture Perspectives?

Katheleen Keys, Community Pedagogy in Idaho

The Un(becoming) Outsiders

Alice Wexler, Identity Politics of Disability: The Other and the Secret Self

jan jagodzinski, In the Realm of the 'Real': Outsider Art and its Paradoxes for Art Educators

The Technologies of Un(becoming)

Wanda B. Knight, Karen Keifer-Boyd, Patricia M. Amburgy, Visual Culture Explorations: Un/Becoming Art Educators

Alison Colman, Un/Becoming Digital: The Ontology of Technological Determinism and Its Implications for Art Education

Sara Wilson McKay, "People Should Come to Work": Un-becoming Cartesian Subjects and Objects in Art Education

 JSTAE Number 24, 2004: Silence

jan jagodzinski, Editiorial: Silence Under Erasure - The Silence of Silence

The Silence of War

Robert Nellis, Black Hawk Down and the Silences of Ridley Scott's "Realism"

Norm Friesen, "Catching Sight of the Permanent Posibility of War:" Images of Totality and Words of Peace

Mary Stokrocki, Documentary Rhetoric, Fact or Fiction? Univerity Students React to the Film, Bowling for Columbine

Charles Garoian & Yvonne Gaudelius, The Embodies Pedagogy of War.

The Silences of Racism and the Diaspora

Patricia M. Amburgy, Wanda B. Knight, & Karen Keifer-Boyd, Schooled in Silence.

David Gall, African Art: What and to Whom? Anxieties, Certainties, Mythologies.

Laura Felleman Fattal, Piercing Gaze: Public Art in Schools.

Schooling Silences/ Silencing Schooling

Bob Sweeney, Three Silences: Infection ... Abjection ... Art Education.

Donalyn Heise, Playing it Safe in the Artroom.

Katie Roberts, Anding--The dynamic in Education

Media Silences

Jin-shiow Chen, Meditating on the Voiceless Words of the Invisible Other: Young Female Animé Fan Artists--Narratives of Gender Images

Marjorie Manifold, Imaged Voices--Envisioned Landscapes: Storylines of Information-Age Girls and Young Women.

jan jagodzinski, Questionsing Fantasies of Popular 'Resistance:' Democratic Populism and Radical Politics in Visual Cultural Studies.


Karen Keifer-Boyd, Patricia M. Amburgy, & Wanda B. Knight, Postmodern Art Education in Practice, Gude, O. (Ed.). (n.d.). Spiral Art Education. Retrieved December 15, 2003, from the University of Illinois at Chicago, Art Education Program, Web site: http://www.uic.eud/classes/ad/ad/ad382/

 JSTAE Number 23, 2003: Research, Visual Cultural Studies, Programs

jan jagodzinski, Editorial: Research, Visual Cultural Studies, Programs

Jim Sanders, (re)Making Time/ (re)Examining the Social History of a Community School of Visual Art

Diane Conrad, Unearthing Personal History: Autoethnography & Artifacts Inform Research on Youth Risk Taking

Bob Berson, Gulf War Series: 1996 Untitled

Kevin Tavin, Lea Lovelace, Albert Stabler, Jason Maxam, From Bucktown to Niketown: Doing Visual Cultural Studies (Chicago Style)

Jin-shiow Chen, The Comic/Anime Fan Culture in Taiwan: With a Focus on Adolescents' Experiences

jan jogodzinski, Unromancing the Stone of "Resistance:" In Defence of a Continued Radical Politics in Visual Cultural Studies

Stan Horner, DBAE and iiae: Playing Finite and Infinite Games

Leslie Sharpe, Teaching Critical Practice for Future Technologies

 JSTAE, No. 22, 2002: 9/11 - Reflecting on Our Social Condition                   

jan jagodzinski, Editorial: At Long Last - A Moment of Silence

jan Jagodzinski, 9/11 The Last Shard Standing

Jim Edwards, Tagging A Boxcar In an Anxious Age

Laura Felleman Fatall, Antiques Roadshow: The Object of Learning

Future Akins, "Miss, Miss, Look at What My Mother Sent Me from Jail"

Angela M. La Porte, Intergenerational Art Education: Building Community in Harlem

Esther Parada, When the Bough Breaks: Loss of Tradition in the Urban Landscape

Mike Emme, Critical Creativity: On the Convergence of Medium Education and Media Education

Paul Duncum, Wrestling with TV "Rasslin"

Edgar Heap of Birds, Heads Above the Grass

D. Fehr, E. Check, F. Akins, K. Kiefer-Boyd, Cancelling the Queers: Activism in Art Education Conference Planning

 JSTAE No. 21, 2001: Social Action With Students and Youth                      

jan jagodzinski, Revisiting Social Theory in Art Education: Where Have We Been? Where are we today? Where are We Going? Where Could We Go?

Donna Alden, Multicultural Art Education: Deconstructing Images of Social Reproduction

Kimberly Cosier, On Oysters and Other Life Lessons: Art TEacher's Perceptions of Social Class and Schooling

Dipti Desai, Working with People to Make Art: Oral History, Artistic Practice, and Art Education

Paul Duncum & Deborah L. Smith-Shank, Naughty Pictures: Their Significance to Initial Sexual Identity Formation

Mike Emme, Another Acid Test (Postcards With an Edge)

Kevin Tavis, Swimming Up-stream in the Jean Pool: Developing a Pedagogy Towards Critical Citizenship in Visual Culture

Carole Woodlock & Mary Wyrick, Art, Action Research, and Activism at Artpark

Marjorie C. Manifold, The Blackwell Summer Arts Program: An Experience in Community ReVitalization


 JSTAE No. 18, 1998: Community                           

jan jagodzinski, Editor's Introduction: Deconstructing the Master Signifier of Community

Deborah Smith-Shank, Sugar and Spice and Everything: Reflections on a Feminist Aesthetic

Rita L. Irwin, Roots/Routes as Arterial connections for Art Educators: Advocating for Aboriginal Cultures

Christine Ballengee Morris, Paulo Freire: Community Based Arts Education

Seymour Simmons ¥², Creating Community Through Art: Two Research Project Reviews

Gaye Leigh Green, Tear Down These Walls: New Genre Public Art and Art Education


Karen Kiefer-Boyd, Susan L. Smith (1995), The Power of Women: A Topos in Medieval Art and Literature


 JSTAE, No. 12, 1992                            

Harold Pearse, Editorial Essay: Marginalia on Marginality and Diversity

Doug Blandy, Karen Branen, Kristin C. Congdon, Linna Muschlitz, Integrating People Experiencing Disabilitie into Community Arts Events: Model Project and Guidelines

Tom Anderson, Premises, Promises, and a Piece of Pie: A social Analysis of Art in General Education

Karen Hamblen, Art Education's Movement Toward Core Curriculum Membership

Karen Keifer-Boyd, Deep-Seated Culture: Understanding Sitting

John Wilton, Finding Meaning for Postmodernism

jan jagodzinski, The Nostalgia of Art Education: Back to the Future, Part 4

Ron Sylva, Commentary: Media, Environment, and Art: A New Agenda for Art Education


Joanne Kurz Guilfoil, The Playful City: A Vision of the City throguh the eyes of Young Children

Lorrie Blair, S. Price's Primitive Art in Civilized Places
                 M. Torgvunick's Gone Primitive Savage Intellects, Modern Lives.


 JSTAE, No. 10, 1990                       

Editorial Re(Mark)!: The Question of Representation


David Thistlewood, Creativity and Political Identification in the Work of Herbert Read

F. Graeme Chalmers, Art Education and the Promotion of Intercultural Understanding

Elleda Katan & Harold Pearse, Dialogues: Paradigms & Teaching Teachers of Art

Charles R. Jansen, The Promises of Art Appreciation: The Foundations of Aesthetic Education


Karen L. Sorensen & Charles G. Wieder, The Limits of LInear Modes of Inquiry Into Naturalistic World-Views: A Case Study of Cherokee Culture

John Wilton, Collecting Women's Art and Native American Artifacts: Issues for Museum Curators

Peter Schellin, Our Neighbours' Understanding of Art: A Class Field Study

Pat Rafferty, Popular Culture's Revolt Against The Normalizing Consequences of Tradition


Kristin G. Congdon & Doug Blandy, Introduction(s) To Men in Feminism

Karen A. Hamblen, A Modernity-Postmodernity Dialectic on Men in Feminism

Amy Brook Snider, Feminism as Metaphor

Ken Marantz, "Queen-of-the-Mountain: A Game I Can Play

Georgia Collins, The Not So Mysterious Ways of Mystification

jan jagodzinski, On The Impossibility of Men In Feminism: Taking a Hesitant Step Through the Minefield of Pheminism in Art and Education

Clayton Funk, Acting Out Caring: An Androgynous Trait

Sara Snowden, Selected Delegate REsponses to "Men in Feminism"


Tom Anderson, Examining Environmental Advertising Imagery Through Art Education

Charles Gaines, Sandra Rowe: Androgyny and The Janusian Split

Jim Paul, A Gender Expositin: Black and White Images In the Grey Chain of Being

Dan Nadaner, The Need For Openness In Art Education



 JSTAE, No. 9, 1989                 

DEDICATION, In Memeory of Nancy Johnson
                    Editorial Re(Mark)!: The Question of Voices


Paul Duncum, Toward Foundations for a Socially Critical Art Education

Michael Emme, The Meaning(s) of Lens Meaning

Doug Blandy, A Study of the 1988 NAEA and Its Accessibility to Delegates Experiencing Disabilities


DBAE: Viewpoints From a Cultural Literacy Perspective

Nancy Johnson, DBAE and CLAE

Karen A. Hamblen, The Reality Construction of Technocratic Rationality Through DBAE

Laurie Hicks, Cultural Literacy as Social Empowerment

Barbara Boyer, DBAE and CLAE: Relevance for Minority and Multicultural Students

Conference as Ritual: The Sacred Journey of the Art Educator

Amy Brook Snider, Here's Looking at Us Looking at Us

Karen A. Hamblen, Outsiders and Taboo Subjects: The Horseflies of Art Education

Ronald N. MacGregor, Conference as Ritual: Structures for the Unsavage Mind

Brent Wilson, Conferences and Communitas: Making Magic Happen...Sometimes

Harold Pearse, Subjective Undercurrents: Humour and the NAEA

Cynthia Taylor, Altered States: Sexuality and the NAEA

jan jagodzinski, The Path of the Initiate: In Search of the Holy Grail or is it the Golden Fleece?

Elleda Katan, A Stop Action Tour of the NAEA Shrine

Michael Own Jones, Self-Reflections in Organization: An Outsider Remarks on Looking at Culture and Lore from the Inside


jan jagodzinski, An Open Letter to Members of the Caucus

JSTAE Members, Remarks in order of appearance by Elleda Katan, Tom Anderson, Don Soucy, Mary Stokrocki, Kristin Congdon, Bob Bersson, Karen Hamblen, Amy Brook Snider, Herb Perr, Helen Muth and Robert Saunders


Don Soucy, Herb Perr, Making Art Together Step-byStep

Ronald W. Neperud, James Clifford, Ethnography, Literature, and Art



Last updated on May 26, 2006