Published Books by Dr. jan jagodzinski

Postmodern Dilemmas: Outrageous Essays in Art&Art Education


 Table of Contents




Introduction: Between Apocalypse and Utopia (1986-1996)

Pretext: Sublimely Disciplined Classrooms

Text: The Signs of the X

グ   The Formation of Telematic Consciousness: Dispelled Memoreis
ケ   The Invisibility of the Vitrine
ゲ   (Telos)coping the Logocentric Tradition
コ   Time for a Little Fashionable Taste
ゴ   Beauty Is SSSS: Slick, (S)Chic, Sleek, and Seductive: Shopping in the Hall of Mirrors
サ   A Good Try But...
ザ   On Virtual Rule
シ   The Celluloid Earht and the Feminine Sublime
ジ   Go Ahead, Just "Technologize Yourself!"  The Extreme Body of the Dynamic Sublime
ス   The Sublime Art of Waking You Up


A Wolf in Sheep's Clothing/ A Sheep in Wolf's Clothing:
Questioning the Find Arts in Our Schools. What's So Fine About It? (1989)

グ   A Personal Dilemma
                Government Intervention
                ........And The Results
                ........And Elsewhere

ケ   Studio Arts...An Anachronism of the Past?
                The Medieval Legacy
                The Rise of Universities
                The Aristotelian Double Bind

                The Royal Seal

ゲ   The Cultural Shift
                The Rise of the Advertising Arts.
                The Appearance of the Avant-Garde
                A Hidden Handshake
                Glance Aesthetics
                The Separation of Mind and Body and Emphasis on Reason
                Decontextualized Knowledge
                Consumerist Arts

コ   Postmodernism and the Electronic Culture
                A Disappearing Childhood
                Educational Postures


From the Palette to the Palate: Deconstructing the Consumerism of Art Education In an Age of Postmodernity (1984-1987)

Diary: 04. 07. 86

グ   Lowenfeld & Greenberg's Modernism

ケ   Anti-Humanism: The Rhetoric of the End of Art Against the Rhetoric of the Return of Art

ゲ   A Lexicon of Postmodernism
              Anti-Presence, Anti-Representation, Anti-Mimesis
              The Death of the Artist/Author and the Birth of the Big Boy Burger
              From the Authenticity of the Artistic Signature to Artistic Discourse
              The Electronic Media of Postmodernism: The End of Art?
              Turning the Senses Inside Out: The "K(night)'s" Move of the Body Doubled, or
                    The Anti-Aesthetic and Anti-Commodity Impulses of Postmodernism
              Allegory and Symbol in Postmodernism: The Return of the Double
              The Last Stranglehold of Humanism: Piaget and the Development of Mind
              Postmodern Art Education?

Section ケ: TAKING BACK!


a Para/critical/sitical/sightical Reading of Ralph Smith's Excellence in Art Education (1987)

Pretext: "Bad Theater"

Text:     Smith's Phallocentrism
            Smith's Bourgeois Roots: The Seductive Argument of Imperialist Aesthetics
            The Technological "Slide"
            Smith's Sameness and the Question of Difference

            Smith's Reflective Criticism
            Questioning Hermeneutics
            Changed Times
A Manifesto for Art Education in Postmodern Times


Re-Writing the A.I.M. Statement: A Sustained Andenken on Art Education in a Postmodern Society (1992-1993)

As I See It: Art in the Mainstream: A Statement of Value and Commitment

グ   Deconstructing Feldman's A.I.M.'s: Performing an Andenken on a Fragment in Art Education

            The Kantian Ruse
            In the Name of Kant
            Humanistic Criticism
            Feldman's Humanism
            A detour Through the Sublime
            The Tour Continues: A Feminine Sublime
            End of Art

ケ   From the Naked Eye to the Camera: From the Conscious to the Unconscious

            Defending the Aura
            Technology as Fine Art's Other and the Case of "Sugar"
            Deconstructive Capitalism
            Popular Culture as Fine Art's Other

ゲ   Changed Times: Yuppie Postmodernism

            Some Necessary Distinctions
            The PopHigh

コ   Critical Postmodern Art Education: What's Possible?

            Art Education as Cultural Studies
            Textual Questioning: Displacing the Humanistic Subject
            Youth and Postmodernity
            Possibilities for Art Education
            Contradictions, Difficulties, Musings


Reconfigurations of Kant (The supplement of the Sublime)
Should Art Education Liberate Itself From the Idea of the Aesthetics? (1996)

グ   Pretexts: Kant as the "Anchor Man"

ケ   The Kantian Paradigm Paradigm and Its Discontents

ゲ   Schiller with Foucault: Self-Technology against Alienation

コ   Kant with Foucault: Rewriting the Enlightenment
ゴ   Kant with de Man and J. Hillis Miller: Nominalist Extremes
サ   Kant Can't Be Saved: The Sublime Supplement
ザ   "Kant with Sade": Radical Evil
シ   Kant with Derrida: The Question of the Frame
ジ   Putting Oneself into the Abyss: A Proposed Trajectory for Ethical Art Educational Practice
ス   ?


Author Index

Subject Index


Last updated on May 26, 2006