Published Books by Dr. jan jagodzinski

Pun(k) Deconstruction: Experifigural Writings in Art&Art Education 


 Table of Contents


Section 1: Questioning Representation


1.   Learning From Sa(l)ad: Redresing the "Story" of Architextual (1985-1992)

Pretext: Frame(d) Architecture

グ   A Beginner's Guide to Gendered Architecture: Through Thirteen Frame(d) Events

               Frame(d) 1 The Hearth and Cave
                                        Wo(man) the Gatherer: Redressing the Paleolithic Narrative from 17000 to 12000 Years Ago (YA)
               Frame(d) 2 Wo(man) the Planter:
                                                Architecture During the Wom(men)'s "Moment" in History 12,000 to 6,000 YA
               Frame(d) 3 The Transition to Patriarchy
                                       The Aesthetics of Height and the Movement to Stratification and Hierarchy 6000 YA to 2000 YA
               Frame(d) 4 The Rise of Polities
                                       The decline of wom(men) and the Centralization of God as the one Figurehead
               Frame(d) 5 The Roman context: Civil Architecture at its Worst
               Frame(d) 6 The Coming of Christianity
                                        Architecture and the Gender Issue in the Cloister and the Community

               Frame(d) 7 The Renaissance
                                        Fiscal Capitalism and the Rise of the Male Architect
               Frame(d) 8 Mercantilist Capitalism and the Architecture of the Palace, the Hôtel and the Chateau, 1600-1750
               Frame(d) 9 The Rise of the Middle Class;
                                                 Laissez-faire Capitalism and the Privatization of the Home: 1750-1880
               Frame(d) 10 The Capitalist expansion: Monopolies and the Growth of Modernism; Utopian Visions: 1880-1930
               Frame(d) 11 The Megalopolis: The Rise of Cartel Capitalism, Suburbia and the Plight of Women, Children and the Aged
               Frame(d) 12 The Mauling/Malling of the Conned-sumer: Multi-capitalism   1970-
               Frame(d) 13 The Feminist Critique of Suburbia and the Megalopolis

Text: De-framing the Pretexts

ケ    Further Readings: A Half Dozen Unframes

               De-framing 1 Postmodernist Architecture: The Cartel, Multinational bid for Building Differentiation in the Global-Village: 1960-present
               De-framing 2 L'écriture Féminine and the Discourse of Postmodern Architecture
               De-framing 3 Deconstructed Architecture
               De-framing 4 Interventions
               De-framing 5 Back to the Pretext: The Green Perspective
                                       Ecofeminist, East meets West
                                       The Future?
               De-framing 6 Learning From Sal(l)ad

Postscript (1993)

The Megalopolis of Late Capitalism:
              The Deconstruction of Public and the Private Spaces
                                       Psychasthenia of the Bon-Aventure (The Good Adventure!)
                                       The Postmodern Geography of Soya Zukin's Landscape

 2.   On the Impossiblity of Men in Feminism: Taking a Hesitant Step through the Minefield of Pheminism in Art and Education (1989)

              Historical Developments
              Hit Them Where It Hurts
              Taking the Low Road
              Critical Postmodernist Feminism
              Further Issues

       1993 Addendum:

              Griselda Pollock's "Painting, Feminism, History": Dangling Questions


3.    The Question of Representation: The Case of AIDS (1991)

       A Personal Reflection
       The AIDS Education Pamphlets - Government Representation of AIDS for the "General Public"
       Characteristics of Pamphlets
       A Semiotic Readign of "Risk Groups" in Alberta
       A European Comparison: Austria and Germany
       Understanding the AIDS Rhetoric - The Biomedical Rhetoric
       The Visibility of AIDS Sufferers as "Victims"
       Policing the Family
       Re-fashioning the Discourse on the Family: People Magazine and 48 Hrs.
       The AIDS Children
       48 Hrs. AIDS Special
       Origins, Scapegoating the Other, Policing the Nation and the Species
       The Problems of Explicit Representations
       AIDS as Postmodern Education: Homosexual and Heterosexual Discourses
       The Rhetorics of Testing: Blood as My Report Card
       Signs of Change: Signs of Hope?


Section ケ: Experifigural Writtings

4.    Blue Velvet, or Whatever Happened to "PRESENCE"?:
      Postmodernist and Poststructuralist Impact on Arts Education (1987)

      グ   Preface: Prelude to Performance
                  Surveying the Historical Background: Structuralist and Modernist Antecedents in Art and Art Education
                  The Postmodern and Poststructuralist Challenge: Reflections in Art and Art Education
                  Postmodernity's Parasitism
                  Poststructuralism's Parasitism

      ケ   Prelude to Performance
      ゲ   BLUE VELVET

            Framed # 1, # 2, # 3, # 4, # 5, # 6, # 7, # 8

      ENDNOTE, 1993: Pun(k)deconstruction


5.   The Nostalgia of Art Education: Back To the Future, Part 4 (1992)

      Voices of Excess                                                                                                                                                                                                                            
      The Palliatives of Nostalgia
      The False Dream of Artistic Interpretation
      (the scholarly voice)


6.   The Nostalgia of Art Education: Reinscribing the Master's Narrative, Part 5 (1994)

      Embodied Desire in the Getty's Symbolic Order
      Getty's Imaginary Order



7.   The War of  Labels : An Art Educator in Search of a Sign (1993)

      Generation "X"


8.   Violence & Generation X:
      How the New Right is Managing the "MOral Panic" Through Televsion and Teen Films (1996)
      Screen Violence
      Trash and Talk: The Medias of Support
      Boomer Nostalgia and Xers' Counter-Nostalgia
      Family "Matters"
      Girlie Culture
      Violence in Perspective


Author Index

Subject Index


Last updated on March 26, 2004