The Par-Tee Site

Par-Tee site under excavation in the 1970s.

The Par-Tee site consists of a large shell midden, or refuse heap, that in some areas was over 2 meters deep. A structure, perhaps a house, was found at the site. Very little documentation exists regarding this structure but it appears to have been built over a shallow pit and was perhaps oval in outline. At some point during the course of its occupation, portions of the site were used as a cemetery. Several radiocarbon dates from the site indicate that it was occupied from around 2000 years b.p. to around 1000 years b.p.

Possible house pit under excavation in the 1970s.

The shellfish remains recovered from the site are dominated by estuarine species, indicating that the site was likely on the margins of a shallow saltwater embayment during its occupation. Some shellfish remains in the midden, such as razor clams and California mussels, also indicate beach and rocky outer coastal habitat was nearby. While a small estuary is present in the Seaside area today, it is likely a small remnant of what was once a more substantial bay.

Rock feature under excavation at Par-Tee. The function of this feature is unknown. The only documentation available for this feature is this photograph.

In 2003 as part of a post-doctoral fellowship through the National Museum of Natural History(NMHN), Dr. Robert Losey spent analyzed the tools and shellfish remains from Par-Tee site. Some preliminary findings of his research are present here. Other studies of Par-Tee faunal remains have been carried out by Dr. Roger Colton and Dr. Ruth Greenspan through fellowships provided by the NMNH. Analysis of the human skeletal remains has been undertaken by Dr. Steve Ousley and Dr. Risa Arbolino of the NMNH Repatriation Office.