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visits since 07/15/02 
Comments by: YACCS
wThursday, July 11, 2002

Another Goobita influence is The Friday Five. Here are my answers:

1) What are you doing right now? Sitting in front of my computer at 12:28 am MDT. Just finished eating grapes and watching an episode of Six Feet Under on tape.

2) What have you lost recently? Hmm. I've misplaced a photo of my parents, but also lost my favorite, worn out cotton sweatshirt.

3) What was the first CD you ever purchased? Does that embarrass you now? I can't remember, but the first CD I acquired was Hejira by Joni Mitchell. Not a bit.

4) What is your favorite kind of writing pen? Probably a Uniball Micro blue.

5) What is your favorite ice cream flavour? Butterscotch.

I've finished 13 chapters of the Prager book. In Ch 12 he notes that "...many people avoid some of the things that would bring them the deepest happiness, such as marriage, children, intellectually challenging pursuits, religious commitment and volunteer work. They fear the pain that inevitably accompanies such things and therefore devote more time to "fun" things that bring little happiness, such as watching television". This describes me to some degree. (Ouch!).

posted by randy at 9:07 PM

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