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visits since 07/15/02 
Comments by: YACCS
wSaturday, July 20, 2002

Despite my best efforts, I cannot make the archive function of Blogger work. It is a mystery to me that I can't solve. (I think the instructions on the archive page are written poorly, are not straightforward or user-friendly.) I set up a directory within my blog directory, tried "republishing", and nothing happens. There is a Blogger discussion forum, yet the site sez it really doesn't exist anymore. Or does it? Yet when you go to the troubleshooting section, you find posts from users right up to today. Yet I can't find an area or dialog box or whatEVER to allow me to submit a question. The message "you must sign in to respond" or something like that appears, despite the fact that I'm signed in.

When I try a "remove from index" command, I get this: Error 210:Not allowed to perform administrative functions (server:page)

Bloody frustrating.

If anyone has any brilliant ideas, I'd be thrilled to hear from you.

posted by randy at 9:33 PM

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