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visits since 07/15/02 
Comments by: YACCS
wFriday, July 12, 2002

Edmonton is experiencing its fifth heat wave in 105 years. The temperature will hit 32C today, 34C tomorrow (93.2F), and 32 again on Sunday.

There was a fascinating article in NYTimes Magazine (June 16 2002, Page 49, Column 1) about a company in Quebec that takes a spinning gene from a spider and implants it into the egg of a female goat. When the goat begins lactating, the milk can be used to spin silk, which the company calls BioSteel (it is five times as strong as steel). As thin as nylon, the fabric created from the silk could stop a bullet. The article is called "Got Silk" by Lawrence Osborne. I can't link to the story because it is from the "Premium Archive", which means you need $ to look at it. Try to find it in a local library.

posted by randy at 9:07 AM

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