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visits since 07/15/02 
Comments by: YACCS
wSaturday, July 13, 2002

I returned from seeing Star Wars Episode II: Attach of the Clones just now. I left the theatre and stepped into stifling heat under cloudy skies. It's like you need to grasp for breath. Anyway, I enjoyed the movie a lot more second time around. For some reason, having seen it once reduced greatly my expectations for a second viewing, and I was more relaxed as a result, getting caught up in the story.

I paid closer attention to detail, special effects, sound effects, etc. Marvelous all around. I ignored the wooden acting of Christensen and Portman, chalking that up to Lucas's direction - it's not their fault, they did what he wanted them to do. Both of them have proven they are better actors in other work they have done.

I can't get used to seeing Samuel L Jackson as Mace Windu, and seeing Victor Sifuentes - sorry - Bobby Simone - damn it - Jimmy Smits as Senator Organa didn't resonate well with me. Ah, petty complaints, all.

The heat affected my brain, and I still can't determine the connection between Jango Fett and the clone army. The clone army is modeled from Fett's DNA, yet the army becomes the property of the Republic - ok, fine, Obi-Wan had arrived, convincing the clone army creators that he presented the original buyer. Yet Fett is in cahoots with Count Dooku of the Federation.

I be confused so I read the information on Fett, and ... I'm still confused. Must be the heat. Dooku (as Tyranus, a decade earlier), had approached Jango with the offer of using him as the template for a clone army. So why was Dooku so surprised to learn that the Republic had a large army. Why didn't Fett tell him about Kenobi when he arrived on Geonosis? And why was Dooku building his own army of robots on Geonosis? When will the Red Sox win the World Series?

Why do I hear people telling me to get a life?

posted by randy at 6:37 PM

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