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visits since 07/15/02 
Comments by: YACCS
wSaturday, July 20, 2002

I'm thinking I need to buy one of those hand-held voice recording devices, whateverinhell they're called. Why? I keep thinking of things to write about when driving, and then forget them by the time I arrive home.

I've learned that 34 of the original Outer Limits episodes from the 1960s will be released on DVD in September . This is great news, and will be the first DVDs of a television show that I purchase. Nothing beats the "awe and mystery" of those early episodes. I remember distinctly how excited I was a kid when the first episode, "Galaxy Being", with a pre-Charly Cliff Robertson appeared on our tv in Sept 1963. The being himself was frightening yet sympathetic. It has remained with me for years. The show was scary and brilliant, featuring many unknown actors who went on to bigger careers in later years. I loved the titles of some of the episodes, like "Production and Decay of Strange Particles" and "The Forms of Things Unknown". The titles alone would get my imagination stirring. One of the cinematographers for the show was Conrad L Hall, who has worked in Hollywood for years, been nominated for nine Oscars and has won two. In fact, he's the cinematographer of Road to Perdition.

One of the magazines I read weekly is the NYTimes Magazine. To read the articles online, you need to pay. But I must mention the 7 July 2002 issue, which featured a number of fascinating articles on: Sam Mendes, Edie Falco, Richard Wallace (creator of A.L.I.C.E.), and why eating fat and reducing carbs may be the way to lose weight and stay healthy.

posted by randy at 9:11 PM

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