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visits since 07/15/02 
Comments by: YACCS
wSunday, July 21, 2002

I've taken a few deep breaths, trying not to let the many small problems and quirks about Blogger get to me - too much, anyway. I've given up on archiving until someone can show me why it won't work, and how to make it work. The script error on the page seems to be originating from a page that doesn't seem to exist. Poltergeists?

On Friday, at the Sidetrack watching The Northern Pikes, it was another interesting social setting for me. By far one of the oldest people there, I still find myself watching the many, many gorgeous women who frequent such places. It is a sad realization, knowing you are past the age that might interest 99% of them. Still, with the right attitude, you never know what might happen.

I write the above in reaction to a challenge from a friend to be more soul-bearing in this blog. I don't know if I have the guts to do that yet, if at all. But it's a fair challenge.

posted by randy at 2:40 PM

Rebecca Blood
Michael Moore
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Edmonton Folk Music Festival Aug 2002
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