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visits since 07/15/02 
Comments by: YACCS
wTuesday, July 23, 2002

Mike sends news about blogging hitting the mainstream. It seems that UC Berkeley will offer a course this fall in blogging.

The week off continues. Friends from Winnipeg are on their way at the moment, and will be here this evening to visit. I've been e-mailing myself with ideas about which I will write in this space, like gratitude, and ethics. The gratitude issue is raised in Dennis Prager's book, and is having a dramatic impact on me. Prager asserts that the key to happiness is gratitude, and this resonates with me. All too often we take things for granted; hell, how about everything? In any event, I've decided to begin this in a simple fashion, by saying grace before a meal. So far, I have done so one time only, always remembering afterwards to do so. However, this makes sense to me - changing a mindset isn't easy, and requires work. It's a challenge I'm taking, and enjoying it along the way.

I've made a number of notes from my readings, and may post some of them here shortly.

posted by randy at 1:29 PM

Rebecca Blood
Michael Moore
Books Read Mid-90s ->


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Edmonton Folk Music Festival Aug 2002
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