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visits since 07/15/02 
Comments by: YACCS
wThursday, July 11, 2002

Saw Minority Report again tonight. It's about PreCrime, and it's good, very good, despite the flaws in the plot.

My father is an artist. Check it out. This is one of my favorites.

I have much reading to do, and continue to fall behind. I'm currently reading Joe Queenan 's Confessions of a Cineplex Hecker and Dennis Prager's Happiness is a Serious Problem. Next up is Michael Moore 's Stupid White Men. Now if only I could find the time. As for Moore's book, if you haven't heard, after 11 Sept 2001, his publisher wanted him to rewrite considerable parts of the book the publisher (Harper Collins) now considered offensive, else they wouldn't release it. (The book had already been printed). A librarian heard him speak about this in early December 2001, and posted messages to various listservs, rallying the library community around him. Read one of her initial postings.

Despite having been largely ignored in the book review community (which digusts me), the book has been #1 on the NYTimes Best Seller List, and has been reprinted at least 15 times.

posted by randy at 9:04 PM

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