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visits since 07/15/02 
Comments by: YACCS
wThursday, July 11, 2002

Sitting and staring at the screen for inspiration isn't helping. I quickly scanned some of my favorite blogs to see what other brilliant commentary and observations are being written. But that's kind of like cheating while taking notes or something. This was an ok day. Once again, bbq'd burgers and had cherry pie for dessert. Continued reading Prager's book, and worked out for the third day in a row. As Bill Maher might say, "Who gives a rat's ass?"

Speaking of Maher, it's a shame ABC cancelled his show. Then I see on CNN today that Dennis Miller is ending his show. :-( Miller is my favorite entertainer, even if I can't get HBO because it's not permitted on Canadian cable.

I've just spent a fruitless 15 minutes looking for any report on the web about Miller ending his show. Can't find a thing, and checked all the right places (hey, it's what I do for a living...) (But now as I repost on 11 July, I did find something.)

posted by randy at 9:16 PM

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