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visits since 07/15/02 
Comments by: YACCS
wMonday, August 05, 2002

Admittedly, the previous entry was, well, lame-oh. I don' t know why I left it in, I can still delete it. However, perhaps it belongs there, in its simplicity and honesty. Maybe it's a metaphor for life. How is your life? I dunno, I'm "just testing" today.

As you can see, I loaded comment software onto my blog. It took a while, a few Google searches, but then I was checking Jennifer Piston's blog, and noticed her comment boxes originated with YACCS. I went to the site, and what I saw seemed to be straightforward, relatively, so I loaded it into my blog. It took an hour of tweaking, but if finally seemed to work.

This weekend I saw the two movies below, plus Signs last night, and Tadpole this afternoon. I'm still mulling over these movies. M Night Shymalan sets a great mood in Signs, and he uses his actors well, including the children. There is an enormous suspension of disbelief required, yet despite that, it's difficult to buy into a lot of it. The ending is too Spielbergian for my liking (and I like Spielberg). And it wasn't as scary as I wanted it to be. Despite the above, I can say I liked it and am glad I saw it.
Perhaps the best endorsement I can give it is that it comes across as a really good X-Files episode (which for some people, is no endorsement, I know...)

Tadpole is a coming-of-age film that crosses a few boundaries, given that a 15-year old boy sleeps with a 40-something woman in the movie. Had the sexes been reversed, we'd have Lolita. However, this is NYC in 2002, where the level of what might be acceptable has dropped a few notches since 1960. The script is very funny, and the dinner scene is priceless and very well-edited. The film is very short, under 80 minutes. The movie cuts corners given its short running time, and Robert Iler of The Sopranos, in a supporting role, seems wasted. But the other actors, especially Bebe Neuwirth, are wonderful to watch.

Relatives and others from Winnipeg descend upon my house tomorrow, and when they leave, it's Edmonton Folk Music Festival time. I hope to hear some of these artists next weekend (when I'm not working backstage helping them with whatever ...)

Good night.

posted by randy at 11:18 PM

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