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Comments by: YACCS
wThursday, August 01, 2002

At work, I am building an online resource guide for nanotechnology. At the U of A, the National Institute for Nanotechnology is now open, and soon to expand into its own, yet-to-be-constructed building. I've added this site, which I think is very cool: " features the big thoughts of today's big thinkers examining the confluence of accelerating revolutions that are shaping our future world, and the inside story on new technological and social realities from the pioneers actively working in these arenas.

We are witnessing intersecting revolutions in a plethora of fields: biotechnology, nanotechnology, molecular electronics, computation, artificial intelligence, pattern recognition, virtual reality, human brain reverse engineering, brain augmentation, robotics, and many others. The leading visionaries represented on this site examine these transforming trends and their profound impact on economics, the arts, politics, government, warfare, medicine, health, education, disabilities, social mores, and sexuality."

What's even cooler is that the "AI" segment of the URL doesn't represent Artificial Intelligence, but Accelarating Intelligence. Ray Kurzweil is a major innovator and thinker. More here in the Kurzweil Archives, including his reflections on Wolfram's A New Kind of Science.

I joke at work about ordering everything with "nano" in the title. Here's a page of nanotube poetry. No, really.

posted by randy at 2:48 PM

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