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visits since 07/15/02 
Comments by: YACCS
wTuesday, August 13, 2002

I am restless and impatient with the world, and with myself. I am exhausted, mentally, physically, emotionally, from the events of the past few days: relatives and friends staying at my house, working 5 days at our amazing folk music festival, dealing with screaming pain in my face from an abscessed tooth, working on plans for my parents' 50th wedding anniversary dinner in Winnipeg on Sept 21 2002. The latter event is one of love, but requires much energy to be spent in a month in which I am the busiest on my job (Sept). I have played little guitar lately (although I did get to noodle on a mandolin at the Folkfest), am behind in my reading, and haven't worked out for a week. In a moment of weakness, I ordered digital cable this evening so I could have access to Movie Central and watch the new Sopranos episodes when they appear in September. (It is frustrating living in Canada, where federal regulations do not permit networks like HBO to be broadcast on cable services here. I hate that this rule exists, it is shit piled too high for me.) In a few weeks, I'll be watching new L&Os, West Wings, and God knows what else, succumbing to my weaknesses for these shows. SNL, MAD-TV, Sports Centre... Never mind that I am behind in my movies. Heaven forbid I might actually get a girl friend and find other things to do. Why is there only 24 hours in the day? I mean, what is UP with that?

In blogging, I am equally impatient. I want to emulate sites like Like an Orb, Rebecca's Pocket,, pabulum, and others (the links are on the left). I want a layout like Rebecca's, and I want to post pictures like George and Cia do on their sites. I don't know the coding. Argh. Too impatient to learn it. Lazy bum. Something will give soon. Good night, world.

posted by randy at 11:02 PM

Rebecca Blood
Michael Moore
Books Read Mid-90s ->


Movies Seen Recently

Edmonton Folk Music Festival Aug 2002
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Me, Friends, Family

The Mirror Project


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